Sunday 30 September 2012

Tutorial: Pink Clarins Eye look

With this eye tutorial I used the Clarins Eye Palette and Collection 2000 Eye Liner on my eyes. It is a really cute pinky look if you don't want to look like you have tried too hard but if you still want to make an effort then this is the perfect look (every girl LOVES dressing up!). 

How to: 

First you can prime your eyes first, I didn't but some people prefer for lasting finish,
Then get the light pink on the edge of the palette and put it on your lid. 
Next use the darker pink and put it on the top of the light pink and in the top corner of your eye, it makes the colour brighter but  the colours still looks not too dark! 
Lastly use the Collection 2000 or any liquid eye liner and do a top lid line on your lid. You can do it on the bottom if you want the look darker, you can also make it winged but I haven't!

AND TA-DA!! A finished easy look for a day or a night out! 

The Clarins Eye palette

The light pink on first

The darker pink

The finished look, easy and quick!! I love it <3 

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