Sunday 23 September 2012

Outfit of the Night: Celebrating a birthday dinner

So following on from the last Outfit of the Day we were going out to dinner at a lovely restaurant and so I needed to wear an outfit that didn't look like I was going to a party but going to eat!

Sorry the light is not amazing it was evening

I wore: 

Leopard print top- From Topshop, I wanted to wear something with a little bit of colour but went with my outfit.
Black Leggings- Topshop went with the Leopard Print Top and the boots.
Boots- Faith gold stiletto boots perfect with the gold on the top and has a black stiletto heel perfect with the leggings!
Hooped Earrings- From Spain, went well with the hairstyle and thought they added more of a casual feel to my outfit. It was more of a casual dinner!
Coat/Jacket- Blue jacket from Barbour, it has got really cold in England and so I paired this Jacket with my outfit as it gave it a splash of colour whilst keeping me warm!

I hope you enjoy, comment and follow!! x

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