About Me

About my life: 

Hello followers, my name is Ellie Lipsy and a fashion blogger from a beautiful part of England. Writing a little bit about me is harder than I thought so I'll start with my age. I am a 15 year old student wanting to live my life classy and fabulous!! I love diving in to new experiences and love delving into different cultures. I will be hoping to do blogs about me travelling in SUMMER 2013!!

 What I love <3: 

-Shopping- Most girls dream is to have unlimited bank account, mine could be that too ;)

-Reading (you know its not that bad)- I have heard so much hate on reading, but you know what, I like it! When I get hooked to a book its like stepping into Narnia.

-Testing out everything- new make up, new clothes, new shops, new places, new is the future..

 -LOVE CLOTHES and you will see fashion hauls and advice frequently (fashion is a big part of any teenagers life let alone mine) 

-And SHOES (a girl can never have enough shoes and that in my world is a true fact!)

 I am a big people person so bringing you along for my life journey makes it a bit more special!!! 

Here on this blog, you will find out more.... Keep Living Classy and Fabulous ;) xoxo

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