Saturday 5 January 2013

Wonderful Experiences: The Royal Ballet

Happy New Year Everyone! I know I havent done a blog post since before Christmas but as I thought I wouldnt have very much to blog about I thought I would start 2013 with a ultimate experience for you! This has nothing to do with bungee jumping, jumping out of an aeroplane  climbing a mountain or doing a marathon. This is just a really lovely day out that I thought I would share with you guys. I tried to capture it all with photos so here we go, lets get started! 

The Royal Ballet- The Nutcracker

Outfit I wore:

Coat ~ Zara
Blouse/Shirt ~ Topshop
Skirt ~ Topshop 
Shoes ~ Topshop 
Bag ~ Local Boutique (probably find a similar thing on eBay)
Gloves ~ Christmas Present

I might as well tell you the story of how going to the Royal Ballet came about, my parents surprised my sister and I just before the christmas festivities started happening by telling us that we would be going to the Royal Ballet in London! I love dance and I remember when I was about 5 or 6 I first went to the Royal Ballet with my mum and I can even remember some parts to this day! So, at ten in the morning we got on the train ready to relive those memories! 

Whilst waiting to go in to the Royal Ballet we sailed round Covent Garden and I have to say it was very beautiful! The decorations still hadn't come down so it was packed with twinkling lights and colourful baubles. Sometimes I wish Christmas would last all year!  

After being allowed into the exquisite auditorium I have to say it was one of the most elegant places I have ever seen, I just couldn't help snapping some of the decor that lined the chairs and the balconies! I loved the gorgeous red and the bright yellows! The curtains were long and draped and had the queens emblem on it that really made the experience more British.

As cameras were forbidden whilst the story was beginning to unfold, I couldn't really take any pictures so I am sorry about that! However when the interval came, it was still so special as it meant getting some ice cream. Now, I dont usually love ice cream in winter but if you ever go to the Royal Ballet you have to get their Belgium Chocolate Ice Cream! Even though I think the price is too high for a small pot  of ice cream, I would still call it a pot of creamy goodness. I say stuff New Years Resolutions and start on the ice cream!

Once Act 2 started up again it was back to beautiful ballet! I got so lost in it and the music was incredible, if you ever get a chance to go I know the prices are quite steep, but you wont regret it and it brings so much back if you give it a bit of your time! I dont know if I was allowed to do this but I took a couple of photos of the finale which I would love to share with you! 

Once the performance was over we wandered around the theatre and came across these beautiful miniature dresses! They looked exactly like the dresses of the cast and even had the same details. I took some pictures and tell me which one you like the best?!  

Overall such a fantastic day and to top it all off we go Upper Crust tea and beautifully chocolate flavoured Wispas (the diet starts tomorrow)! 

Heaven in a day! I would love to know your experiences at the Royal Ballet so if you would like to contact me please comment below. Glorious day with wonderful people!

Keep Living Classy and Fabulous x


  1. I am adding going to the ballet to my list of things to do when I make it to London. And I'll be sure to splurge on the ice cream!

    1. You have to experience it when going to London! Haha the ice cream is fantastic x
