Saturday 19 January 2013

Snowy Day ♡

It has been SNOWING in England at the moment and that means lots of pictures, snowball fights and one excited dog! I thought I would show you the pictures I took and if you are in the midst of the snow too, curl up by the fire with a hot chocolate and relax! 

What I was wearing:

Knitted Red Jumper~ Zara
Leggings~ Primark
Snow Boots~ A Local Ski Shop
Coat~ Zara
Lipstick~ MUA

Here is my little doggy! 
She is cocker spaniel cross with a golden retriever, so thats why she is quite small. If you want more photos with her I can introduce her more into my blog.

I hope you are well, wrap up warm in the snow! Keep Living Classy and Fabulous x


  1. Lucky you to get snow! We haven't had much this year in my part of the States.

    1. We got tonnes in England! Its all melted now but I love snow its just so picturesque! x
