Saturday 8 December 2012

My Favourite Youtubers ♡ | LivingClassyandFabulous

My favourite youtubers at the moment is such a difficult question that I had to cut the question down! I tend to swap and change rather a lot between youtubers and this is mainly caused by my emotions at the time! So I am going to change this question to who are your favourite youtubers and when do you feel like watching them? So, lets get started!

1. When I am feeling happy- This has to be the darling Louise of Sprinkleofglitter who is both on youtube and has a beautiful blog. I am going to first tell you what she talks about and then tell you why I love her so much! Louise talks about what goes on in her life, her life decisions, crafts, her beautiful baby called baby glitter (who is the apple of all her viewers eye) and of course beauty! I really love her because she is so honest with her opinions which I think is really important otherwise you are not really making your own space of the internet! She seems so lovely as well, like a genuinely beautiful caring mother! Well done Louise, I love watching you!

2. When I am feeling motivated- Now, I have slightly cheated on this one and gone with two youtubers that tickle my taste buds! I think they belong together and you will see why! These youtubers makes me laugh makes me smile and more importantly makes me motivated. This has to be only two girls and that is Blair Fowler of juicystar07 and Elle Fowler of AllthatGlitters21! They talk about their lifestyle, their home, beauty, fashion and all that glitters... I really love them and I they make me motivated to do all the activities (e.g. style my room how I want) and I always want to try what they have tried! You inspire me girls!

3. When I feel inspired- This category has to go to sunbeamsjess who is one of my top youtubers of all time! Jess and I are completely different to eachother when it comes to fashion, make up or shoes however that doesnt put me off. I think the reason I love her so much is that she does not care what others think and she will just put on or wear exactly what she feels like wearing. This gives me so much more confidence knowing I can put on every morning what I want and who cares what others think. It is not like the other youtubers I mention dont wear what they want because they totally do, its just I have quite similar fashion taste than the others and I have completely the opposite with sunbeamsjess, so this make me like her, I guess?

4. When I want to feel sophisticated- Now, this could be taken the wrong way as I dont mean that all my other category favourites are not sophisticated, you will understand when I say her name! I love her and I would love to be her when I am older! This is the talented FleurdeForce! She is so sophisticated with her taste, she has amazing fashion sense and is getting married! Her youtube is mainly for lifestyle, fashion, style and adventures! She is great, and really rocks my boat!

5. When I just want to have the best time ever- This has to be the most viewed youtuber out of them all as she is so similar to me and I just want to be in her shoes all the time! This is zoella280390! I love ZOE I think she is smashing! Her videos are perfect for me to watch and they last long which I love as I hate 2 minute videos that are rushed and edited so much that you cannot work out what they were saying! She doesn't really do make up tutorials which I like about her as it makes her different but she does hauls, days out, collaboration videos and just a lot of general fun!

So there you have it folks! I hope this speaks volumes about what I get up to on youtube! I hope you have enjoyed this blogpost, if you want to contact me just leave a comment and I will reply as soon as I can!

Keep Living Classy and Fabulous x

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