Thursday 13 December 2012

Holiday: Christmas Time

Lights have gone up, Stockings are set over the fireplace and trees are on top of cars ready to set off to its own house to be the centre piece of someones home. This means only one holiday can be approaching........

In our household we celebrate the holiday CHRISTMAS and this means that turkeys are bought, decorations are put up, advent calenders are opened and christmas puddings are prepared in advance for the big day! Many people would say that their Birthday is the most special time of the year however for me Christmas is the best as instead of celebrating your birthday for yourself when it is just a normal day for everyone else around you! This can be great sometimes as you get lovely calls, thoughtful presents and if you are lucky a yummy cake, however when everyone is celebrating together this can make it more special! I think being with people you care about and you know they always will love you makes the moments seem gorgeous. 

This year I have decided to go all out and start Christmas in fashion. When I was younger I didn't recieve chocolate advent calenders which in the long run seemed to be the right idea as who wants little children acting hyper after they have eaten a slither of chocolate. I have had card advent calendars of course since I was very small and although I still love them, I have moved on and have been buying chocolate advent calendars now for around three years. I normally go for cadburys or mars bar as this seems the cheapest or the easiest to get in the shops. However I have now decided to cross the ocean of cheap advent calendars and step into the world of high end goodness. That is why I have decided to go for the one and only LINDT calendar. This is my favourite chocolate so I have enjoyed delving into a good treat! 

I will be shortly posting about decoration ideas, my decorations and christmas wish list so look out for those! I hope you enjoy my blog posts! Be sure to follow and comment!

Keep Living Classy xox

Sunday 9 December 2012

Review: Benefit Ticket to Glossy Town | LivingClassyandFabulous

I thought it was time for a review and I thought I would do it on the wonderful Benefit lipglosses. I didnt really plan on doing my review for this week on the Ticket to Glossy Town Lipgloss Collection as I only found it a couple of days ago. However as soon as I tried and tested all of them to get a reliable honest opinion I had to share my thoughts with you all!

Once I opened the packet I had to swatch all of them as colours in the tubes can be very deceptive, so a top tip is always swatch them in the shop if you can before you buy them! As I was bought it as a present, I couldnt do my research beforehand but I seemed to love the colours anyway. Anyway, I have started rambling so lets get started!

1. Life on the A list- This is a really lovely pink sparkly colour! It does have glittery bits in it so if you only like matte lips then maybe this isn't for you, however I really like to put lipgloss over lipstick! If you do put this colour over a lipstick it does tend to just add sparkle and no colour so bear that in mind! It has a really good texture and it does not really dry out your lipgloss however there is not moisture in the lip glosses  at all!   

2. Foxy Lady- This is a gorgeous bright pink shaded lipgloss! I think this colour is really great to both put over a lipstick or just by itself. I would definitely recommend it to a person who doesnt like a lipstick but wants some colour in their lips! It is not as bright as it looks in the tube though so always swatch before you buy! 

3. Kiss you- This is a luscious pink/purple. It is darker than the others as the others are quite sparkly and this is quite a bit more matte! However it is still a lipgloss and so still leaves a shine effect. I loved this colour as it made my lips stand out without wearing a lipstick! I would recommend this colour to anyone who doesn't always want to wear pink all the time! 

4. So Frisk me- This is my favourite colour out of them all as it is not your traditional pink or red but a sparkly in-between  It is not as dark as Kiss you but it still is one of the darkest on the lips. I love it and as it is my favourite I would definitely repurchase a big one of these if they have them! The texture is the same as the others and it does have glitter in it!  

5. Spiked Punch- This colour can only be described as a bright summer colour. I would say it is in-between an orange and a coral colour. I like it but I dont love it as I dont think it looks good over lipstick and to be honest that is what I mostly wear it over! It is a nice colour on its own but I have trouble finding a lipstick to put it under!  

6. Nudie-Tude- This is one of the most sheer and nude shades I have ever tried that contains sparkles! It is very sheer so I wouldn't use it if I am going out but if I dont want to put on a particular dark or bright colour this is perfect! It also looks good on top of all my lipsticks as it just makes my lips look sparkly and doesn't take away from the colour! This is a great colour so I would recommend it for school or home! 

Shade Swatches:

1. Life on the A-List
2. Foxy Lady
3. Kiss you 
4. So Frisk Me
5. Spiked Punch
6. Nudie-Tube

Saturday 8 December 2012

My Favourite Youtubers ♡ | LivingClassyandFabulous

My favourite youtubers at the moment is such a difficult question that I had to cut the question down! I tend to swap and change rather a lot between youtubers and this is mainly caused by my emotions at the time! So I am going to change this question to who are your favourite youtubers and when do you feel like watching them? So, lets get started!

1. When I am feeling happy- This has to be the darling Louise of Sprinkleofglitter who is both on youtube and has a beautiful blog. I am going to first tell you what she talks about and then tell you why I love her so much! Louise talks about what goes on in her life, her life decisions, crafts, her beautiful baby called baby glitter (who is the apple of all her viewers eye) and of course beauty! I really love her because she is so honest with her opinions which I think is really important otherwise you are not really making your own space of the internet! She seems so lovely as well, like a genuinely beautiful caring mother! Well done Louise, I love watching you!

2. When I am feeling motivated- Now, I have slightly cheated on this one and gone with two youtubers that tickle my taste buds! I think they belong together and you will see why! These youtubers makes me laugh makes me smile and more importantly makes me motivated. This has to be only two girls and that is Blair Fowler of juicystar07 and Elle Fowler of AllthatGlitters21! They talk about their lifestyle, their home, beauty, fashion and all that glitters... I really love them and I they make me motivated to do all the activities (e.g. style my room how I want) and I always want to try what they have tried! You inspire me girls!

3. When I feel inspired- This category has to go to sunbeamsjess who is one of my top youtubers of all time! Jess and I are completely different to eachother when it comes to fashion, make up or shoes however that doesnt put me off. I think the reason I love her so much is that she does not care what others think and she will just put on or wear exactly what she feels like wearing. This gives me so much more confidence knowing I can put on every morning what I want and who cares what others think. It is not like the other youtubers I mention dont wear what they want because they totally do, its just I have quite similar fashion taste than the others and I have completely the opposite with sunbeamsjess, so this make me like her, I guess?

4. When I want to feel sophisticated- Now, this could be taken the wrong way as I dont mean that all my other category favourites are not sophisticated, you will understand when I say her name! I love her and I would love to be her when I am older! This is the talented FleurdeForce! She is so sophisticated with her taste, she has amazing fashion sense and is getting married! Her youtube is mainly for lifestyle, fashion, style and adventures! She is great, and really rocks my boat!

5. When I just want to have the best time ever- This has to be the most viewed youtuber out of them all as she is so similar to me and I just want to be in her shoes all the time! This is zoella280390! I love ZOE I think she is smashing! Her videos are perfect for me to watch and they last long which I love as I hate 2 minute videos that are rushed and edited so much that you cannot work out what they were saying! She doesn't really do make up tutorials which I like about her as it makes her different but she does hauls, days out, collaboration videos and just a lot of general fun!

So there you have it folks! I hope this speaks volumes about what I get up to on youtube! I hope you have enjoyed this blogpost, if you want to contact me just leave a comment and I will reply as soon as I can!

Keep Living Classy and Fabulous x