Sunday 17 February 2013

5 Top Tips On Revision

Hello Bloggers!

Sorry I have been M.I.A for a couple of weeks, it's just everything that seemed really calm before has spun into overload! I thought I would do a blog post on how I manage my revision schedule without having a breakdown!

1. Turn your phone off

I know especailly for socialites it feels impossible for two hours a day to just get off the phone. My advice is to turn off the phone, I love it and I understand why people love it also but its a distraction. My phone is constantly notifying me on facebook notifications, snapchats and instagram likes so turning it off takes me away from the social world and lets me focus on the real world.

2. Turn off the computer

If you have work to do on the computer I would skip this point but if you have revision to deal with this is the most crucial point. I am a little absessed with my computer and although it is the most amazing thing to be created it also can a distraction. Turn it off and put it in another room, sometimes I find I do turn it off but then it seems to speak to me and I catch myself turning it back on wanting to look at the latest news on Daily Mail or new posts on facebook! Give it to someone instead or tell them to hide it until you have finished your studies. I promise this will be a great way to keep focused!

3. Set a reasonable target

I think everyone has been in that situation when they set a huge target and then never complete it. This always happens to me and I have to say I am so tired of not completing them that I decided to set a smaller one. This could be anything from cleaning up clothes off the floor, tidying your desk or posting a letter that needs to be posted! These are all easily completed and makes your day a bit brighter. You can totally relate this to work as well, set an hour target for full on work and try and complete it. It is much easier to do this than a four hour work slot with no breaks.

4. Have a treat

Work can make you very miserable so my luxuary tip is to have a treat after you have completed whatever time your work slot is. This could be a choclate bar, a magazine, a computer browse or a bath! Anything that makes you relaxed and calm before you start some more work. Your body needs a break sometimes and its your job to do what your body needs to do!

5. Have a plan

Finally, sometimes I go into a revision trance without a plan on what I need to do for my hour slot. This is distratous as I spend at least 15 minutes wondering what to do. This is a time waster and not what you want before you work. Take time before the revision week starts and do a time plan! This could be in your diary or a planner and this can save your revision life. It saves time and you get a lot more done with a plan. 

I hope these revision tips help, if you have big exams looming I would suggest starting now. There is nothing more relaxing than finishing work before you need to worry. I hope everything goes well for all of you!

If you found this post interesting or helpful in anyway please comment below with a tip you live by and  follow if you want more of Living Classy and Fabulous xoxo

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