Friday 4 May 2012


Powder brush- £10.99
Hi Everyone, so I am really bad at getting posts up but I thought I would update you on a new product which totally rocks my world! So recently I have been the biggest fans of the new brushes in Boots.... ECOTOOL!!
I have had my fair share of rubbish brushes
and as I have had my old brushes for so long
that they must be vintage by now I thought I would try the new brushes!

So, first things first, I was rooting round youtube one day and found myself on a couple of beauty channels who all requested getting an ecotool brush! I thought I should try them out and I have to say I love them!!!! I recommend them so much not just for their silky touch but they are also sustainable for the environment. I am saving up for the full set so I will be sure to keep you updated when I get more! xoxo

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