Saturday 14 June 2014

Graduate Fashion Week 2014

Hello everyone,

Long time no speak I'm so sorry but I've been super busy with work as well as been at a bit of a creative block, I'm sure you understand. However this has all been temporary as I am very dedicated to getting my blog posts consistent and of the best standard. 

I recently got the privilege of being invited to Graduate Fashion Week and I have to say it was fabulous. Having the advantage of having a super awesome grandpa I was able to obtain front row tickets which was a bonus as I was able to see everything in close detail. 

Firstly all the pieces I saw were fantastic and so different from eachother. There was a lot of colour incorporated which I thought was great as I love block colours for summer especially pink and yellow, both colours I am trying to put in my wardrobe. Lace was also a big part of the outfits as the winner incorporated lace as a main statement in her pieces. This was beautiful and elegantly flattered the models body type which I think is important as some trends at the moment can look slightly boxy which although is the intention of the designer I think it is refreshing to see something different. 

I also have to touch on the subject of makeup that the models were sporting. It's very exciting for me as it's one of my main interests when looking at the catwalk to see what the make up artists have used on the models. I thought it was interesting how the make up artists used block colours on the lips as all the models had a reddy coral colour on their lips (although this is vague I'm sure you can imagine or see in the photos, haha). The models were also very bronzed and under the lights of the catwalk this made their face shine which may sound bad but actually it was extremely summery as it gave the models a bronzed look. The eyes were not that smoky which I thought was useful as maybe it's suggesting that the trend might end, however I don't think it will. Instead the models just had dark eyeshadow on and lots of mascara, this was quietly pretty as it made their eyes stand out but not in an overly loud way. 

The hair was interesting to look at as the models all had long hair however they also wore it in a low ponytail down their back which was great for all the looks because it made the clothes stand out way more than the hair. 

Overall the pieces were stunning and very inspirational and although they are not meant to be worn automatically it definitely got my creative ideas flowing so I thought I would write a blog post about it. 

I hope this blog post was alright as a starting point for my 'getting back into blogging' idea. Overall Graduate Fashion Week was fantastic and I would love to go again, so we'll maybe see for next year! 

I hope everyone had a great week,

Over and out.